The Board of the Abbey Theatre is seeking to appoint two new members to fill two current vacancies on the Board. The new members will be appointed pursuant to the constitution of the company.
The Board is seeking Expressions of Interest from individuals who can demonstrate in their application evidence of experience in at least one of the following areas:
Vacancy 1 (apply before close of business 14 March)
- Leadership or Project Director of, or senior technical advisor on, a major property and/or infrastructure project in Ireland or overseas.
- Director, company secretary or C-suite senior executive at a leading company or organisation.
- Partner or senior managing director in a leading professional services firm or organisation.
- Secretary General, Assistant Secretary General or senior level in the Irish civil service or the European civil service.
Knowledge of the environment and the sector in which the Abbey Theatre operates would also be an advantage to any interested individual.
Vacancy 2 (apply before close of business 24 March 2025)
Acting – the constitution of the organisation identifies at least one Board member must have experience as, and/or an understanding of the role of, an actor.
In addition:
- An understanding of the role of theatre in Irish life and of developments in professional theatre practice; and/or
- Recognised knowledge of and/or experience in directing, designing, producing, technical theatre expertise and/or other relevant theatre-making skill sets;
- A knowledge and experience of theatre making in a variety of settings, nationally and internationally; and/or
- An awareness of the role of theatre in contributing positively to the sustainability (economic, environmental, or social) in the theatre sector; and/or
- Experience of advocating how theatre can play its part in meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs.
The Role
Position: Independent Non-Executive Director of the Board of the Abbey Theatre.
Location: Meetings are typically held in The Abbey Theatre in Dublin, Ireland.
Commitment: There are four quarterly board meetings per year, plus up to four additional strategy meetings; all meetings are usually held in Dublin. In addition, board members may be requested to sit on one of the committees of the board, which typically meet four times a year.
Term: Individuals appointed to the board are appointed to serve a four-year term, with the possibility of renewal with the agreement of the Governance and Nominations Committee and the Board, following a review process.
Remuneration: There is no remuneration payable for the position but travel and subsistence rates are payable for vouched expenses.
Start Date: End Q1 2025
Induction: There will be a formal Induction Programme for all new members and an annual schedule of governance training.
Conflict of Interest: Consistent with best corporate governance practice in the public sector, it is advisable that no member of the Abbey Theatre Board should hold appointments on the boards of more than two organisations which are primarily funded by the State. All applicants must confirm that they do not have any conflicts of interest or legal impediment which would be likely to interfere with their ability to play a full part on the Board. In additional they must also confirm that they can make themselves available to attend meetings and to carry out the duties of a Board member.
The Individual
The Board is seeking Expressions of Interest from individuals who can satisfy the identified requirements set out above.
In addition to the skills areas identified, Candidates are also invited to identify experiences which demonstrate their ability to:
- Define and articulate a strategic long-term vision and to monitor and guide prioritisation of strategic objectives to achieve this vision.
- Act independently and to arrive at an opinion about important matters and be prepared to use external sources to verify information upon which he/she will rely in coming to an opinion on a matter.
- Assess and hold management accountable for performance – not just financial performance but also for performance on achieving strategic objectives.
- Understand clearly what may constitute or be seen as a conflict of interests.
- Communicate effectively, work as part of a team and act as a strong advocate for the Abbey Theatre’s strategic direction, vision, and mission
In addition to this experience, it is desirable that applicants possess one or more of the following:
- The ability to understand high level financial data, budgets, and good financial management practice.
- Experience of an organisation which is dependent on fundraising for the delivery of its mission, goals, and objectives and, in particular, willingness to play an active role in support of the organisation’s fundraising objectives.
- Awareness of the impact of climate change and need for sustainability in the arts.
Next steps
Interested persons should apply directly to with a CV and Cover Letter outlining their suitability for the role by:
Vacancy 1 – close of business on 14 March 2025
Vacancy 2 – close of business on 24 March 2025