Abbey Production Involvement

Actor Mona A Crucial Week in the Life of a Grocer's Assistant 1992 (Abbey)
Actor Clare Silverlands 1992 (Peacock)
Actor Helen Kelly Living Quarters 1999 (Peacock)
Actor Helen Kelly Living Quarters 1999 (Peacock)
Actor Chorus Medea 2000 (Abbey)
Actor Emily Tartuffe 2000 (Abbey)
Actor Helen Kelly Living Quarters 2000 (Tour)
Actor Betty A Whistle in the Dark 2001 (Abbey)
Actor Widow Quin The Playboy of the Western World 2001 (Peacock)
Actor Rosie Redmond The Plough and the Stars 2002 (Abbey)
Actor Nora Clithroe The Plough and the Stars 2003 (Abbey)
Actor Sam The Proposal 2003 (Peacock)
Actor Eurydice The Burial at Thebes 2004 (Abbey)
Actor Margaret Flaherty (Pegeen Mike) The Playboy of the Western World 2004 (Abbey)
Actor Margaret Flaherty (Pegeen Mike) The Playboy of the Western World 2004 (Tour)
Actor Margaret Flaherty (Pegeen Mike) The Playboy of the Western World 2004 (Tour)
Actor Nora Clithroe The Plough and the Stars 2005 (Tour)
Actor Lady Sneerwell The School For Scandal 2006 (Abbey)
Actor Elizabeth Proctor The Crucible 2007 (Abbey)
Actor Sylvia The Recruiting Officer 2007 (Abbey)
Actor Grace O' Malley Only an Apple 2009 (Peacock)
Actor Cauth Carmody The Dandy Dolls 2009 (Peacock)
Actor Mrs Grainger Christ Deliver Us! 2010 (Abbey)
Actor Mrs Gogan The Plough and the Stars 2010 (Abbey)
Actor Mrs Fanny Wilton John Gabriel Borkman 2010 (Abbey)
Actor Olga 16 Possible Glimpses 2011 (Peacock)
Actor Mrs Fanny Wilton John Gabriel Borkman 2011 (Tour)
Actor Marie The House 2012 (Abbey)
Actor Rachel Grant The Hanging Gardens 2013 (Abbey)
Actor Judith Aristocrats 2014 (Abbey)
Actor Aunt Belle The Man Who Had All The Luck 2014 (Peacock)
Actor Performer Stone mad from the flavour of the world 2020
Reader Testimony from Carmel Ryan Home: Part One 2021
Actor Helena Alving Ghosts 2023 (Abbey)