NOTES: Early acting roles at the Abbey courtesy of the Brendan Smyth Academy

Abbey Production Involvement

Actor Children The Shadow of a Gunman 1971 (Abbey)
Actor Children The Shadow of a Gunman 1971 (Abbey)
Actor Children Arrah-na-Pogue - The Wicklow Wedding 1972 (Abbey)
Actor Children Arrah-na-Pogue - The Wicklow Wedding 1972 (Abbey)
Actor Children Arrah-na-Pogue - The Wicklow Wedding 1972 (Abbey)
Actor Children Arrah-na-Pogue - The Wicklow Wedding 1972 (Abbey)
Actor Children Arrah-na-Pogue - The Wicklow Wedding 1972 (Abbey)
Actor Children Arrah-na-Pogue - The Wicklow Wedding 1972 (Abbey)
Actor Children They Feed Christians To Lions Here, Don't They? 1972 (Peacock)
Actor Children They Feed Christians To Lions Here, Don't They? 1972 (Peacock)
Actor Crowd Cock A Doodle Dandy 1977 (Abbey)
Actor Crowd Cock A Doodle Dandy 1977 (Abbey)
Assistant Stage Manager Not applicable The Actress and the Bishop 1977 (Peacock)
Assistant Stage Manager Not applicable Talbot's Box 1977 (Peacock)
Assistant Stage Manager Not applicable The Actress and the Bishop 1977 (Peacock)
Assistant Stage Manager Not applicable Talbot's Box 1977 (Tour)
Actor Richenda Fitzmaurice The Reel McCoy 1989 (Peacock)