Abbey Production Involvement

Actor Maxwell The Patriot Game 1991 (Tour)
Actor Mac Neill The Patriot Game 1991 (Tour)
Actor Birrell The Patriot Game 1991 (Tour)
Actor Mickeleen O'Leary Famine 1993 (Abbey)
Actor Alexander The Last Ones 1993 (Peacock)
Actor Polonius The Hamlet Project 1993 (Tour)
Actor Michael Carney A Whistle in the Dark 2001 (Abbey)
Actor Liam Dougan Famine 2001 (Abbey)
Actor Henry Percy Henry IV Part 1 2002 (Peacock)
Actor Chris Keller All My Sons 2003 (Abbey)
Actor Boucicault Heavenly Bodies 2004 (Peacock)
Actor Erwin Schrodinger Improbable Frequency 2005 (Abbey)
Actor The Colonel Improbable Frequency 2005 (Abbey)
Actor William What Happened Bridgie Cleary 2005 (Peacock)
Actor William What Happened Bridgie Cleary 2005 (Tour)
Actor Michel Aleksandrovich Rakitin A Month in the Country 2006 (Abbey)
Actor Lee True West 2006 (Peacock)
Actor Brutus Julius Caesar 2007 (Abbey)
Actor John Proctor The Crucible 2007 (Abbey)
Actor The Sergeant Cock A Doodle Dandy 2007 (Abbey)
Actor Captain Plume The Recruiting Officer 2007 (Abbey)
Actor Devlin Spider and the Lily 2007 (Peacock)
Actor Charlie's Father Spider and the Lily 2007 (Peacock)
Actor Creon The Burial at Thebes 2008 (Peacock)
Actor Peter The Last Days of a Reluctant Tyrant 2009 (Abbey)
Actor D Freefall 2010 (Abbey)
Actor C Terminus 2011 (Tour)
Actor Christy The House 2012 (Abbey)
Actor Ian Quietly 2012 (Peacock)
Actor Performer Pants 2013 (Abbey)
Actor Mr. Gulliver Sullivan Drum Belly 2013 (Abbey)
Actor Charlie Grant The Hanging Gardens 2013 (Abbey)
Actor Ian Quietly 2013 (Tour)
Actor Ian Quietly 2014 (Peacock)
Actor Ian Quietly 2014 (Tour)
Actor Oberon A Midsummer Night's Dream 2015 (Abbey)
Actor Thesus A Midsummer Night's Dream 2015 (Abbey)
Actor Judge Brack Hedda Gabler 2015 (Abbey)
Actor Karenin Anna Karenina 2016 (Abbey)
Actor Brian Come on Home 2018 (Peacock)
Actor Tom Carney The Fall of the Second Republic 2020 (Abbey)
Actor Billy Kinlan T.D. The Fall of the Second Republic 2020 (Abbey)
Actor Pastor Manders Ghosts 2023 (Abbey)