NOTES: Playwright and actor. His first play "The Nun's Wood", won a Stewart Parker Trust/BBC Award in 1999

Abbey Production Involvement

Author Not applicable Forgotten
Author Not applicable Silent
Author Not applicable Underneath
Actor Johnstone The Patriot Game 1991 (Peacock)
Actor Mick The Patriot Game 1991 (Peacock)
Actor Mc Donagh The Patriot Game 1991 (Peacock)
Actor Michael, the boots Drama at Inish - Is Life Worth Living? 1992 (Abbey)
Actor Gerry Dancing at Lughnasa 1992 (Abbey)
Actor Gerry Dancing at Lughnasa 1993 (Tour)
Actor Gerry Dancing at Lughnasa 1993 (Tour)
Actor Matt Sheep's Milk on the Boil 1994 (Peacock)
Actor Robert Temple The Broken Jug 1994 (Peacock)
Actor De Valera Good Evening, Mr. Collins 1995 (Peacock)
Actor Dumb Monkey 1995 (Peacock)
Actor Dumb Monkey 1995 (Peacock)
Actor De Valera Good Evening, Mr. Collins 1996 (Peacock)
Actor De Valera Good Evening, Mr. Collins 1996 (Tour)
Actor The Hitmatist (Dallen Devine) The Chirpaun 1997 (Peacock)
Actor Danny Mann The Colleen Bawn - The Bride of Garryowen 1998 (Abbey)
Actor Ghost Fancier By The Bog Of Cats 1998 (Abbey)
Actor Bob Acres The Rivals 1998 (Abbey)
Actor Danny Mann The Colleen Bawn - The Bride of Garryowen 1999 (Abbey)
Actor Danny Mann The Colleen Bawn - The Bride of Garryowen 1999 (Tour)
Actor McGoldrig Silent 2012 (Peacock)
Lighting Design Not applicable Silent 2012 (Peacock)
Actor McGoldrig Silent 2013 (Peacock)
Lighting Design Not applicable Silent 2013 (Peacock)
Actor McGoldrig Silent 2017 (Peacock)
Lighting Design Not applicable Silent 2017 (Peacock)
Actor Performer Underneath 2017 (Peacock)
Lighting Design Not applicable Underneath 2017 (Peacock)
Actor Performer Forgotten 2017 (Peacock)
Lighting Design Not applicable Forgotten 2017 (Peacock)