NOTES: See also under Maire Ni Thuathail.

Abbey Production Involvement

Actor Mrs Tancred Juno and the Paycock 1969 (Abbey)
Actor Sadie Quinn Bloom of the Diamond Stone 1973 (Abbey)
Actor Mona McConvery When She Was Good 1974 (Peacock)
Actor Cass The Loves of Cass McGuire 1978 (Abbey)
Actor Mrs Bailey Hatchet 1978 (Abbey)
Actor Mrs Bailey Hatchet 1979 (Abbey)
Actor Olympe Feraillon A Flea in Her Ear 1979 (Abbey)
Actor Biddy the Tosser Petticoat Loose 1979 (Abbey)
Actor Biddy the Tosser Petticoat Loose 1979 (Abbey)
Actor Mary A Life 1979 (Abbey)
Actor Mrs Maisie Madigan Juno and the Paycock 1979 (Abbey)
Actor Sibby A Pot Of Broth 1979 (Peacock)
Actor Eeada Red Roses For Me 1980 (Abbey)
Actor Mrs Henderson The Shadow of a Gunman 1980 (Abbey)
Actor Mrs Henderson The Shadow of a Gunman 1980 (Abbey)
Actor Mary A Life 1980 (Abbey)
Actor Mrs Maisie Madigan Juno and the Paycock 1980 (Abbey)
Actor Mrs Henderson The Shadow of a Gunman 1980 (Abbey)
Actor Mary A Life 1980 (Abbey)
Actor Miss Gault Nightshade 1980 (Peacock)
Actor Mary A Life 1980 (Tour)
Actor Miss Gault Nightshade 1980 (Tour)
Actor Mrs Henderson The Shadow of a Gunman 1981 (Abbey)
Actor Kate Keller All My Sons 1981 (Abbey)
Actor Woman's Voice Footfalls 1981 (Peacock)
Actor W2 Play 1981 (Peacock)
Actor Halie Buried Child 1981 (Peacock)
Actor Mrs Henderson The Shadow of a Gunman 1981 (Tour)
Actor Ellen The Factory Girls 1982 (Peacock)
Actor Mary Byrne The Tinker's Wedding 1982 (Peacock)
Actor Ellen The Factory Girls 1982 (Peacock)
Actor Ellen The Factory Girls 1982 (Tour)
Actor Ellen The Factory Girls 1982 (Tour)
Actor Ellen The Factory Girls 1982 (Tour)
Actor Ellen The Factory Girls 1982 (Tour)
Actor Ellen The Factory Girls 1982 (Tour)
Actor Annie Twohig Drama at Inish - Is Life Worth Living? 1983 (Abbey)
Actor Annie Twohig Drama at Inish - Is Life Worth Living? 1983 (Abbey)
Actor Annie Twohig Drama at Inish - Is Life Worth Living? 1983 (Peacock)
Actor Nurse The Midnight Door 1983 (Peacock)
Actor Amanda Wingfield The Glass Menagerie 1984 (Abbey)
Actor Bessie Burgess The Plough and the Stars 1984 (Abbey)
Actor Elena Binnington The Drums of Father Ned 1985 (Abbey)
Actor Mrs. Farrell Anna Liffey Knockers 1985 (Peacock)
Actor Baglady Baglady 1985 (Peacock)
Actor Mary Byrne The Tinker's Wedding 1985 (Peacock)
Actor Niamh Kinnore The Patrick Pearse Motel 1986 (Abbey)
Actor Niamh Kinnore The Patrick Pearse Motel 1986 (Abbey)
Actor Babette Ring Around the Moon 1986 (Abbey)
Programme Note Not applicable Ring Around the Moon 1986 (Abbey)
Actor Baglady Baglady 1986 (Peacock)
Actor Gracie Ladybag 1986 (Peacock)
Actor Baglady Baglady 1986 (Tour)
Actor Gracie Ladybag 1986 (Tour)
Actor Dolores Yerma - New Version 1987 (Peacock)
Actor Mrs Henderson The Shadow of a Gunman 1988 (Abbey)
Actor Mrs Madden Big Maggie 1988 (Abbey)
Actor Alice Flesh and Blood - Times in It 1988 (Peacock)
Actor Grace Brides of Ladybag 1988 (Peacock)
Actor Mrs Molloy Boss Grady's Boys 1988 (Peacock)
Actor Josephine Josephine in the Night 1988 (Peacock)
Actor Mrs William Dudgeon The Devil's Disciple 1989 (Abbey)
Actor Performer Gala Performance 1989 (Abbey)
Actor Mrs Madden Big Maggie 1989 (Abbey)
Actor Mrs Molloy Boss Grady's Boys 1989 (Peacock)
Actor Mrs Molloy Boss Grady's Boys 1989 (Tour)
Actor Mrs Madden Big Maggie 1990 (Abbey)
Actor Mrs Yelverton Barry Ulysses in Nighttown 1990 (Peacock)
Actor Bloom's Mother Ulysses in Nighttown 1990 (Peacock)
Actor Mrs Cohen Ulysses in Nighttown 1990 (Peacock)
Actor Bella-Bello Ulysses in Nighttown 1990 (Peacock)
Actor Anne-Marie A Doll's House 2005 (Abbey)