Friends and Relations
Friends and Relations 1944 (Abbey)
Opening night: Monday, 3 January 1944
Number of Performances: 12
The Whiteheaded Boy
The Whiteheaded Boy 1944 (Abbey)
Opening night: Monday, 24 January 1944
Number of Performances: 11
Laistiar de'n Éadan
Laistiar de'n Éadan 1944 (Abbey)
Opening night: Sunday, 30 January 1944
Number of Performances: 2
The Wise Have Not Spoken
The Wise Have Not Spoken 1944 (Abbey)
Opening night: Monday, 7 February 1944
Number of Performances: 24
The Plough and the Stars
The Plough and the Stars 1944 (Abbey)
Opening night: Monday, 13 March 1944
Number of Performances: 17
The Shadow of a Gunman
The Shadow of a Gunman 1944 (Abbey)
Opening night: Saturday, 8 April 1944
Number of Performances: 13
Look at the Heffernans!
Look at the Heffernans! 1944 (Abbey)
Opening night: Monday, 24 April 1944
Number of Performances: 6
The Plough and the Stars
The Plough and the Stars 1944 (Abbey)
Opening night: Monday, 1 May 1944
Number of Performances: 6
The Coloured Balloon
The Coloured Balloon 1944 (Abbey)
Opening night: Monday, 8 May 1944
Number of Performances: 6
Grogan and the Ferret
Grogan and the Ferret 1944 (Abbey)
Opening night: Monday, 15 May 1944
Number of Performances: 11
Sodar I nDiaidh na nUasal
Sodar I nDiaidh na nUasal 1944 (Abbey)
Opening night: Sunday, 21 May 1944
Number of Performances: 2
Friends and Relations
Friends and Relations 1944 (Abbey)
Opening night: Monday, 29 May 1944
Number of Performances: 6
Shadow and Substance
Shadow and Substance 1944 (Abbey)
Opening night: Monday, 10 July 1944
Number of Performances: 12
The Words upon the Window Pane
The Words upon the Window Pane 1944 (Abbey)
Opening night: Monday, 31 July 1944
Number of Performances: 6
The Whiteheaded Boy
The Whiteheaded Boy 1944 (Abbey)
Opening night: Monday, 7 August 1944
Number of Performances: 6
The Glorious Uncertainty
The Glorious Uncertainty 1944 (Abbey)
Opening night: Monday, 25 September 1944
Number of Performances: 18
John Bull's Other Island
John Bull's Other Island 1944 (Abbey)
Opening night: Monday, 16 October 1944
Number of Performances: 23