Storytelling for Business explores the fundamental skills of communication and develops an understanding of how we can apply this essential human characteristic in a corporate setting. From pitching to customers to building a brand, creating a culture of shared purpose, by crafting and communicating stories, that influence and inspire, is a vital skill.
This workshop explores how good stories work, how to tell them and what it is that draws us in. Participants will learn skills to create stories, which will help captivate and influence your colleagues/clients. Discover how you can use creativity to engage your audiences, no matter what the subject matter. Learn how using your own stories can reinforce existing strengths and individual styles. Connect presentations with personal values to deepen your connection with listeners. Participants will explore the structures that shape a compelling narrative.
Storytelling techniques from theatre will give participants the skills to create and communicate with confidence and impact. Improvised scenarios based on these will have your teams on their feet and able to apply these learnings.
Who will benefit from this workshop?
• Organisations looking to create and communicate compelling business stories, which persuade, influence and ultimately drive customers to action.
• Leaders/Managers who wish to communicate a new strategy/vision, in a manner that truly resonates with teams and secures buy in.
• Leaders/Managers who wish to re-energise, engage and inspire their talent.
• Business professionals who want to become more skilled in telling an engaging story with facts and figures.
- Workshop Timing: 9am – 5pm
- Number of Participants: 7 – 10
- Cost: €550/person. This cost includes light breakfast, mid-morning and mid-afternoon refreshments.
To find out more or book now, please contact Joanne Pollard.