View our Audience Charter below

Our Commitment to You 

It is our policy to welcome any and all feedback – positive or negative – relating to our organisation and reflective of our role as a national theatre. Our policy is in line with our mission to be audience-focused and to create ambitious, courageous theatre in all its forms.

In view of this, we aim to achieve the following:

  • To make the process of providing feedback as straightforward as possible.
  • To receive feedback in a fair, equal and professional manner.
  • To respond to feedback promptly and appropriately.
  • To record all feedback we receive and endeavour to learn from it.

Contacting Us 

Enquiries or complaints will be monitored and managed by our Customer Services team and forwarded to the relevant manager(s) or department(s), as necessary. Correspondence can be made through a number of channels: in person, by phone, email or postal letter.

In person 

Our Box Office is staffed for ticket sales, ticket collection and customer enquiries during the hours of 12pm to 7pm Monday to Saturday.

  • We shall greet visitors politely, be fair and helpful and deal with their enquiries as quickly as possible
  • We will ensure that you are afforded privacy in your dealings

By phone 

Box Office can be contacted by phone on (01) 87 87 222.

  • Where possible, we will endeavour to resolve any issues immediately by phone. Our aim is to answer all calls quickly.
  • We will identify ourselves and our area of work, where appropriate
  • We will be polite and helpful, and do our best to provide people with clear and correct information.

By email or by post 

Box Office can be contacted by email at

Our address is 26/27 Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1, D01 K0F1.

  • You will receive prompt acknowledgment of your email and, where possible, immediate resolution of your issue.
  • We will acknowledge receipt of your correspondence (letter) in a prompt manner. Please let us know how you would like us to respond to you, providing relevant contact details.
  • We will give our name and contact details on all correspondence where appropriate
  • We will issue all correspondence in clear language that is understandable and concise.

Any queries received via or via social media channels will be forwarded to the Customer Services team to facilitate.

Audience Complaints 

A complaint can be made against the standard or quality of service received, as may relate to delays, administrative errors, or instances where a customer does not receive the expected level of service.

We strive to treat complaints with due respect, to receive them in a professional manner and to respond accordingly.

If there are actions we can take to resolve an issue, or to satisfy a customer who has been disappointed with their experience, we will aim to do so as quickly as possible, along with explanation and apology.  A full response will be issued as soon as possible, but no more than five working days from receipt of the complaint, or a detailed response to update the customer if the issue remains unresolved.

Following this, the enquiry or complaint, along with the undertaken actions, will be recorded on our customer database (Tessitura) to inform future communication(s) or action(s). Any customer may request to review records of their feedback in line with data protection legislation.

Engagement with Staff 

We aim to ensure that staff are always courteous and friendly, reflecting the values and standards of the Abbey Theatre. All Box Office and Front of House staff will be identifiable by uniform and staff accreditation.

When feedback is received by a customer facing member of staff, it will be communicated to the relevant manager so that it can be recorded and responded to appropriately.

We understand that members of the public can be experiencing some difficulties or stress but if customers become abusive, offensive or aggressive to staff members, staff may advise the customer that the discussion/exchange will be terminated if the unacceptable behaviour continues.

Provision of Information 

We will ensure our website ( is fully up to date to answer and support any general queries you may have outside of opening times.

A range of marketing and promotional communications will be used to update customers with timely and accurate information regarding our programme of work, or any changes that may relate to either the programme as a whole or to certain performances. This will be supported by our social media channels including, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Equal Status Policy 

We are fully committed to providing a service that is accessible to a broad audience base, and reaches a wide range of interest groups. We will manage all customer bookings in a fair and equitable manner and ensure rights to equal treatment by conforming with equality legislation.

Privacy Policy 

The Abbey Theatre is committed to protecting your privacy. Our Privacy Policy statement contains information on how and why we store customer data, what type of data we hold and how it is used. The Privacy Policy can be found on Abbey Theatre website

If patrons and interested public have any queries around our privacy policy and privacy protection standards, they are invited to contact or call (01) 87 87 222.

Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday, 12pm – 6pm