Focusing on the period of 2019-2021 this independent review sought to identify potential gaps related to internal controls (HR, legal, financial), governance, and stakeholder management with a view to strengthening internal policies and procedures. In addition, the review was to make recommendations in relation to same.

Commenting, the Board of the Abbey Theatre said: “We accept, and today publish, Crowe Ireland’s Summary of Findings and Recommendations from its report and some key actions that have already been taken towards their implementation.”

“The Board is mindful of its responsibility to provide accountability and transparency in its governance arrangements and their application, and of its obligation to correct course and make changes when that responsibility has not been met. The Board acknowledges that the review process has been constructive on both fronts.

“The review was both detailed and thorough. The Board would like to thank all current and former Board and staff members, and all those who contributed, for their cooperation with Crowe Ireland throughout this lengthy process. We look forward to working with the Co-Directors on the implementation of recommendations of the review and supporting them in their continued leadership of the Abbey Theatre, the National Theatre of Ireland.”

The Abbey Theatre has published the twelve findings and six recommendations as set out in Crowe Ireland’s Summary of Findings and Recommendations from its report, together with a summary of key actions already taken, or in hand, in relation to the recommendations. The Abbey Theatre and the Arts Council further agreed on a monitoring and implementation plan, which includes additional actions on 26th August. These actions have also been published. This, and the delivery of the report to the Arts Council on July 15th, sees the Abbey Theatre meet the Arts Council’s conditions of funding from 2022 on this matter.

Following consideration and informed by legal advice received, the Board concluded that the Abbey Theatre could not publish the Report in full as this would result in breach of applicable laws (privacy and data protection), regulation (GDPR) and contractual restrictions and agreements.

Co-Directors of the Abbey Theatre, Artistic Director Caitríona McLaughlin and Executive Director Mark O’Brien said: “We are pleased that the Board of the Abbey Theatre has accepted the findings and recommendations as set out above. It has been a challenging time and we now look forward to working with the Board on their implementation. We will also work together with the Arts Council through the additional actions which have been published on our website. Since our appointment in 2021, internal governance and culture has been a priority.  The process of this review strengthens the organisation.  It is an opportunity for us to reset and to bring renewed energy to our mission: to effectively and imaginatively engage with all of Irish society through the production of ambitious, courageous theatre in all its forms.”

As set out above, please find links to published documents below.

Crowe Ireland’s Summary of Findings and Recommendations from its Report

Key actions arising