Dublin Book Festival at the Abbey Theatre
7 - 8 November 2024
In November, the Abbey Theatre is delighted to host two events exploring the world of Irish theatre as part of the Dublin Book Festival.
Thursday 7th of November

Ciara O’Dowd and Garry Hynes in conversation with Dr Tanya Dean about Wild-Looking But Fine: Abbey Theatre Actresses of the 1930s (UCD Press)
More information and tickets on sale here
Dé hAoine an 8ú Samhain
Bí linn agus Tristan Rosenstock i mbun comhrá leis an aisteoir agus scríbhneoir Clive Geraghty faoin chuimhní cinn, Aisteoir faoi Sholas (Cló Iar-Chonnacht).
Gach eolas anseo